Monday, September 20, 2010
Food for thought - Understanding!
Earlier (i.e) our father's and fore father's generation, their 'friends and colleagues' circle was absolutely not bigger than we have now.. Now the trend is that meeting with relatives have been minimized than with friends.. But it's not an intentional one, our living and working situation made our times so... This can't be avoided in this money making world... If we don't have any possessions, we are cornered. This is the fact goes on nowadays.. Okay. Let it be.. In this busy schedule if we do a simple thing, we can avoid all bitter happenings, ofcourse... That small virtue is 'understanding others'.
Yes, When we give helping hands while some other person is in some delicate position, that's the greatest support we give forever. Buddy, Keep your mind open and understand everyone who comes across your life.. Thank everybody no matter they hurt you or they make u happy.. Either you can get happiness from those who make you comfortable or you may get lessons from the one who hurt you.. You need to decide which is important either the person or the lesson... Finally nothing is lost in your life.. Always you're contented. Life has given us all options, we got to choose our own.. Always choose the good one, which is near to your heart that gives happiness....
First understand yourself! Then others! Shortly you will become an expert in making others understandable on you...:) Enjoy life with spirit. Give moral support to those who need it... Live.... and Let live others...Always good things will be at your side.!
With Luv & Care,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Touch Sensitive Artificial Skin - a milestone in Robotics!
You know, engineers at the University of California, Berkeley, have successfully engineered electronic skin that can detect the gentlest of touch, which is considered to be a major step towards Gen-next robotics. The technology may help robots feel and give the sense of touch back to those with prosthetic limbs.
A lead researcher of California has developed 'e-Skin' that comprises of matrix of nanowires made of germanium and silicon.
A touch-sensitive artificial skin would help overcome a key challenge in robotics: adapting the amount of force needed to hold and manipulate a wide range of objects. This "e-skin" is also stronger than its competing organic materials. The synthetic skin can either be transferred to another material like a plastic or glass by either directly transferring it over from a flat substrate which is then 'rubbed' onto a polymer film made of polyamide. It can also be 'rolled' onto the surface using a device that works much like a lint roller in reverse; the fibers are deposited to a sticky surface rather than picked up.
The e-skin can detect pressure ranging from 0-15 kilopascals which is similar to the pressure needed to perform daily activities.
Absolutely a wonderful growth in robotics field!
Monday, September 13, 2010
A small post for making you to remember me!
Nice to talk to you after a long time. Yes I gave a long break for blogging bcoz of some stress in my mind... Some troubles particularly 'fear on future'... Yes, the idea of doing higher studies had been dropped down here... Hmm...:(.... fine..:) its enough thinking too much of it.. No other way for me, i have to take the things as it comes..;)...(the caption of my blog plays a main role in my life after creating this blog... ha ha...ha....) All izz well..
You know.., my duty nowadays is relaxing..;)... Actually time is being better now.. except some bitter memories of my life, everything is fine... I have stopped using mobile more nowadays, almost not even once on most of the days.. Living away from these stuffs is really nice and relaxing... Reading newspapers, library magazines... getting more familiar with current affairs, yes... life is going well... I think I need to remember tat I'm an engineer.. yes, because tat much distant i am from my field... cooking , kitchen works, books, novels.... life is tooo liiive.... these lively moments, I won't get in my future... This life will never come back so enjoying to the most...
We are living in 21st century,somewat modernized people.. living under pressure, often meeting deadline... We cant come out of this.. But often i fell on thinking like being in 15th century...:) But... Each of us might meet some unnecessary painful moments in our life in our past... I too... And.. you know, there is no other better medicine than time... yes, T I M E is the best medicine forever... It has the power of curing everything.
Yes, This 'time' alone made me to fall in good things even i'm free for all time. It only taught me to become a fruitful person.. If this free time was not here, I would not identify that I have poem writing skills and documentation skills..
I dont know the purpose of this post, even i'm getting confusing in naming this post....;) All this is for sharing my life with you... I want to conclude with a small punch dialogue "Be satisfied with what you have." Bye dear...:) Stay Cool....
Saturday, September 4, 2010
The first Indian made browser - EPIC
The logo of the epic browser itself creates more passion of working with it.. A fresh, enthu making logo.. Really Indians are Super humans.
The main advantage is you can easily handle all indian languages in the browser.... tat too without any external software... Ya, its possible with epic. The stylish widget, superb background.. actually 1500+ wallpapers are available for free there... More productive.
A sidebar is there in the left corner but it provides A to Z applications.. you can use orcut,twitter, gmail, facebbok, yahoomail only with a single click... Back Up tag is there in which you can store needed data.. Even about jobs, travel, maps... everything.... A to-do list is there.... video, timer etc etc.... A folder called 'My Computer' is there which is a replica of our primary folder in pc.. A word processor is there... Lots of things can be stored there... And a tag named 'snippets' that stores single line stuffs such as quotes... Anti virus is embedded and what we have to do is just enabling it...
And.... A tag named 'India' is present with good looking logo, in which we can get all latest news in India...
Enjoy Epic Surfing!!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Career - My View!
In this world, everybody have to make their life worthy. Ways are many for that; what we choose is important. What most of the people choose? Answer is 'money'. Ya, we ve to be money minded in this world. We can't change it bcoz it's too late.. More decades passed after ppl starting to run for money.... Running for money is not a bad thing... But 'conscience assassination' is the worst unbearable thing while running for money... yes, it is the true fact... Even this world is large enough, while people have discovered almost all part of the world, their hearts ve been narrowed. why? Because of the 'fear on future'. Money has the power of breaking the fear. If i have enough money, i get the confidence of facing whatever come across in my life. Does it stop with this? No..... I start earning more and more to give the same confidence to my children. Yes, I try to save money to give a good life for them too... So... this repeats and repeats... again and again..... in a circular path... then where I can stop.... in death only... Is that necessary... For toiling i've born? No yaar...... Life is a linear path... I need more fun, more enjoyments, more and more care from my lovable... Nowadays, people are earning more as well as they have increased their expenses too... Saving is more important than earning... Saving only matters... If a man earning 50k's expenses are 30k and another one earns 35k spending 8k of his salary every month, then both r saving equally...
So Build a career not only for earning money... Career is the one which makes you satisfied by doing it... it should not be like pushing you to the extremity of tension... If you need time to accomplish it, just wait... and start to make yourself working for the goal. You can succeed... We should not pass time by estimating others life and imitating it... We have our own! We deserve to decide our future.
While sharing these things, the movie '3 idiots' comes across in my mind often... People who have seen it cant forget the two supporting characters of amir khan.. Maadhavan and Sharman Joshi.... The specialty is...those who have found their potential better choose it as their career... like wt Maadi did.... And if we dont know for what we deserve, its better to be an expert in what we do and where we are... ya, tats wt done by Sharman... (He got a campus offer while completing his graduation in Imperial Engineering College.). The great words ve been pictured in tat movie... Yes, we ve to give a nod for this..Dear friends, start following this.
That's nice of you bearing with my words here..!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Petrol Price Hike in India!
In India, even poorer people are living on average but.. still India is a rich country, 12th richest country in the world. So Govt thinks tat the people can manage as salary hike is given then and there. Ok, people could manage, then why this much strong opposition is there for this issue? The reason is "India is buying crude oil from Arab countries for Rs.35 per litre. The cost of refining is 60 paise. So the total cost is around Rs.36. The rest of the price are our tax to government." So, Govt has not increased the petrol price, indirectly it increased the tax payable. And recently after a long gap, the salary of M.Ps has been tripled. Where the money comes? From our tax alone... They are not ready to provide what people need, no visits to rural area without cameras and media... Boarding lodging free.... Free pass for traveling tat too with family.... Besides commission too.. corruption.... Then why salary hike..?
Understand where India goes.. Know the reasons behind the political happenings. Even they've not ready to be lenient with us, even they're not hearing our words, we must be aware of our surroundings.. Then how India is growing!! Incredible India!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
My Second Poem - Thuravu!
திருமணப் புறக்கணிப்புக்கு
ஓர் எளிய வழி!
திருத்தமான வாழ்வின்
மன அமைதியின் மிக அழகிய வெளிப்பாடு.
மனித மனதின் மாறுபட்ட சிந்தனைத் தொடக்கம்.
ஓழுக்கத்தின் உச்சகட்டம்!
பகவத் நாமத்தை பஜனை பாடுவது
அல்ல துறவு!
ஐம்புலன்களை அடக்குவதில்
அமைந்தது அது!
உண்மையில் அது ஓர்
அழகான இல்லறம்!
இந்த காளான் காதல் உலகில்
துறவும் சாத்தியமே!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Yoga In My Life
Ya, fine.... Now coming to point... I was studying fifth standard that time. Here no matric schools were near by.. Of course now too.. We have to travel 10 kms to get a good one... So the prime minister and home minister of my family decided to switch me to tamil medium school which was near by street. My grand pa took me one fine morning to my new school.. just an informal visit on a summer day before joining..... a very fine morning walk to school.... he took me inside, main gate was open... we surprised and got inside.... 15-20 people were giving more different postures there.. One man was guiding them to correct the postures they gave.... Don't get puzzled, yoga teaching was being done at the moment... We were seeing it by standing in a corner of the playground.
I took a look of whole surrounding... The school was so good looking... too greeny..... grandpa told it was of 2 acres of bare land surrounded by more flowering plants... 2 to 3 mango trees too i suppose.... i liked it very much... somebody patted my grandpa's shoulder.. i didnt notice it as i was surprisingly seeing the things happened on that moment... the flowers, the trees and the children who were playing cricket.... I was having a swift look on all wonders present there.. i can say it seemed like a lake view point..... yes a big sized pond was there beside the mango trees.... Grandpa was talking to the stranger then finally he introduced me to him... "Abi, see your tamil teacher. He's going to teach you." I saw him... over pounded weight...average looking... i wished him and make my hands crossed as i was advised by my fifth standard class teacher that it s a kind of politeness... He asked some questions.. While answering, my eyesight fell on the yoga man more times... he asked me if i want to learn it... I told yes, not intentionally but i didnt want to make my first answer to my teacher 'No'. He told my grandpa that a guy from tiruvanmiyur has come to teach yoga for 3 weeks. Those who were learning were some sophisticated chennai people.. Their looks even prooved tat... Actually he has brought them to teach yoga in a live environment, in a greeny surrounding.. Grandpa appreciated tat with a good nod and gave a smile seeing me...
He took me to the man and told pointing me "She will be coming from today onwards. Small girl. She dosen't know about this. So dont impose your hard postures on her, please guruji.". He smiled and asked a lady to make me feel comfortable..She helped me a lot... I was doing aasanaas. But not involved fully... Often I was looking behind to make confirmed whether grandpa was there... Ya he was talking to my forthcoming tamil teacher... I completed and was told to come on the same time next day... I returned home and grandpa told my mom abt the yoga classes... She heard with a big smile in her face... She told to do those stuffs even at home... I was puzzled why mom was like tat, forcing me to do these excercises... But i obeyed her...
The day after, granny accompanied me... She was sitting on a bench, looking how things were going there..... The yoga master showed a handy book in which all the aasanaas taught had been depicted with picture... his own postures were there as pictures... I was exicted that I'd never seen a person in direct, whose picture was published in books... I guessed he might be a great person.... I utter obeyed him from the moment onwards... considering him as a celebrity..... Granny bought that book.... At once returning to home, she gave the book to mom..She started reading it... Infact, she finished the book on the day itself... It was of some 70 pages, but pictures occupied more.... Then I started doing exercises which were taught by my celebrity..
Thus my yoga practices began... Continuing now too... But in the middle i left practicising.... Became irregular... But later after knowing the bare necessity of yoga, I started again.....
Really saying, "After doing the 'pranayama', i feel better in breathing. A deep breath comes after doing the excercise.." You too try it....These are the virtues given by ancestors. Start learning.. My advice is not to follow any books and dont read the strategies... You learn from a guru.... It s the best way.... Later you can follow the books...
I'd suffered from breathing trouble during winter days in my childhood... As practising yoga, i've come out of it... Now everything is perfect... Try it.... You can also feel the wonders.... Actually the aasanaas have been simplified now... Those which were taken into practice in early days were too hard... My guruji told nearly 84 lakhs yogaasanaas are available now... If so imagine how it were in earlier days..
Yoga is the best medicine for getting recovered from the diseases...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Kannukkul Anbirundhaal! - The novel I recently came across.
I got a very good response for my recent post which s a tamil article. Thanks for that. I was enthused because of the responses I got that has made me to continue posting.
Fine. I'm a regular library goer. I use to read all sorts of books and.. while getting bored i preferred novels, particularly family novels... Yesterday.. i went to library. I started with dailies, then magazines... was reading... finally i was tired reading CSR magazine.. I think you know well it is a knowledge bank and excellent magazine for improving GK, personality and all good things... So it wont be like time pass, a worthy reading.. Such magazines are also there in India... and its a good news that youngsters prefer such magazines... I couldnt go through the pages of CSR for a longtime so i switched off to novels. I searched more, but no favorite author's book i got. So i took a book named 'Kannukkul Anbirundhaal' written by JeyaSakthi. While taking it, i didnt think it would be good. But while turning over the pages, I got stunned with a beautiful run of the story.
The start was normal but the travel was too good.... everybody will enjoy with this.. If you get a chance of seeing this book, dont miss to read it..
The story was... A fair, beautiful girl, completed M.A in english marries a guy who is doing grocery business. He is a 12th completed guy, who is dull in color. He is not fair, but good looking.. But that 23 year young girl has had more dreams abt her marriage life, husband.. She doesnt like tis guy who is opposite to all her dreams. It was an arranged marriage. Even she refused, her mom compelled more to adapt this. Because her father is going to retire in next two months. He has to settle his three daughters and she is the first. And the guy is from a rich family. But all the things he possesses came from his hard work.. During first night, the gal says everything to her guy.. He is shocked but he gives all the freedom to her. He even doesnt touch his wife, he stays in another room. Both r like living in a hostel.. The start goes like this... The gal is ilakkiya and guy is manivaasakan... how ilakkiya realises her husband's great thoughts, his tolerance... tis s d story.. Finally she wants to be a good wife of manivaasakan, a well disciplined man. These things are the rest of the story.. One of the most beautiful novels I read. During the travel, we also want to be discipline like the story characters..
You too read this novel if you get any chance.. "யாம் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெறுக இவ்வையகம்! " The author JeyaShakti has inscribed each happening like the change of the mind of two, the romance, the tolerance that the guy got with his wife, his business tactics, his hardworking nature...... Too enjoyable.... nice run of the story.!
Read it!
Friday, August 6, 2010
My First Poem - Amma!
நான் மகிழும் போது நிம்மதியடைந்தாள்;
வருந்தும் போது வாட்டமுற்றாள் ;
அழும் போது கண்ணீர் துடைத்தாள் - நான்
உழைப்பதை கண்டு ஆனந்தப் பட்டாள்;
தேவையெனில் ஆலோசனை தந்தாள்
தவறுகள் செய்தால் கண்டிக்கவும் செய்தாள்;
பேறு காலத்தில் பட்ட கஷ்டத்தை
சொல்லிக் காட்டுவதில்லை - பிறர்
குற்றம் குறை கூறும் போது என்னை
விட்டுக் கொடுத்ததுமில்லை;
தாலி வழி வந்த உறவை காட்டிலும்
தன்னுளிருந்து வந்த உறவைப் பெரிதாய் நினைப்பவள்;
தனக்கு பசித்தாலும் 'வயதுப் பிள்ளை
வயிறார உண்ணட்டும்' என்று
பட்டினி கிடக்கும் பக்குவம் பெற்றவள்;
எனக்கு சிறு கேடு நடப்பினும், பரிதவித்துப்
போகும் முதல் ஆள்!
நான் வார்த்தைகளை விஷமாய் கொட்டினாலும்
என் நலனுக்காக தவமிருப்பவள்;
என் தவறுகளை மன்னிக்க கற்றவள்;
என்னை திருத்தம் செய்தவள்;
'வல்லவளாய் வாழ்வதை விட
நல்லவளாய் இருக்க கற்று கொள்'
என்று இன்றளவும் கூறி வருபவள்!
உன் உள்ளத்து அன்பை நீ
ஒட்டு மொத்தமாய் கொட்டவில்லை;
உன் ஒவ்வொரு செயலிலும்
வாரி வழங்கிக் கொண்டுதானிருகிறாய்!
-- அபிநயா
எனக்கு கவிதை எழுதிப் பழக்கமில்லை. இது தான் என்னோட முதல் படைப்பு. நிறைய கவிதைகள் படிச்சுருக்கேன். ஆனா ஒன்னு கூட முயற்சி பண்ணதில்ல. இது கவிதையின் இலக்கணப்படி இருக்கானும் தெரியல. என்னை எழுத தூண்டிய சதீஷ் அண்ணனுக்கு நன்றி.
கவிதையில் தவறுகள் இருந்தா மன்னிக்கவும். நான் இதில் அ,ஆ,இ,ஈ கற்றுக் கொள்ளும் மாணவி மாதிரி.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
India - My Country! Its mine!!
Friends, Saw this video? How's it? Have we done like this? Tis small guy... That is patriotism. what a live talk wit Indian mother! We were not like this in our childhood. Atleast we can spread the word 'India' to our country children.
60 years went away after getting independence. Any of us know the whole history behind this.? like.. how our grandparents and their parents fought for freedom? how they struggled to live..? They are the reasons for our present living in this divine country... I think we are like 'our duty finishes with knowing those things; hw everything happened till 1947'... Is it so? Its like "ஏட்டு சுரைக்காய் கறிக்கு உதவாது. " Knowing is for implementing only... We should keep safe this India not only the reason its our country, its like respecting the freedom fighters..
Let me come to the point that "Don't see others like hw they behave, how they provide their participation and all. No matter how others are, we should do our duty sincerely." See... India's economy is growing... besides corruption too... What is happening in Common Wealth 2010? What happened with Lalith Modi in IPL? In road contracts of India... During Ganges-Cauvery plan....? Everywhere corruption and favourism... Where India goes? In spite of all these things, India holds a gud place in world's history. The reason is our 'RESOURCES'.. The main is human resource and food resource.. HR is more than enough in India; more than 50% of Indians are youngsters! But food... If it starts depleting, it s like the start of positional decrease of India..Urbanisation is the main reason. But more subsidy are there. Able to implement. but govt is not ready why....?
India needs not go outside for the guidance in this matter... Mr. APJ Kalam has predicted well in his book "India 2020"... He is the most genius person who wants to make India to shine in all departments.. All the tactics and strategies have been given by him clearly... Do u remember a saying "Success is under our feet; we are not ready to bend!".. Its true in such matters!!!
Ok... We can make a powerful India only if we are out of corruption! Be honest in your mind! "அப்பழுக்கற்ற வாழ்வே அழகானது!" Energize yourself seeing this child! Youngsters are the future of India! Get the feel of being true to our country.. India is ours! We should own it! We should not be ready to give up our belonging to anyone!!! Are you ready to lose ur property? India - a rare gem! We should give a corruption free, pollution free India to our children as our parents did!
Be an Indian! सत्यमेव जयते!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
India unveils its Super Computer "Annapurna"!
Atomic Energy Commission chairman Srikumar Banerjee unveiled the country's seventh fastest high-performance computation (HPC) cluster having 1.5 Tera Byte (TB) memory and 30 TB storage space cluster capacity. Banerjee lauded the technical team behind the effort for creating the super computer in a completely non-commercial domain. Complex issues ranging from biological applications and others could not have been approached in the absence of a supercomputer, he said.
"Among broad-based scientific institutions in India, the Annapurna cluster is the third fastest, ranking below the IISc Bangalore and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai," an IMSc release said. The device will be used in simulations and numerical calculations in the areas of statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics among others.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
4 days World's Youngest Donor!
Hyderabad, July 13: When Mr Kishore Kumar, a young revenue inspector and his wife, Mrs Hymavathi, a government school teacher, were blessed with a baby girl six-days back they were overjoyed. But their happiness was short-lived when doctors at Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital informed that the premature baby had only 50 per cent chances of survival. The child expired on July 12, but not before promising a fresh lease of life to four persons.
The four-day-old baby became India's youngest organ donor, whose eyes and heart valves have been retrieved under sterile conditions for future use.
"Our baby is no more but we have this satisfaction that she will now live amidst other children. Her heart has stopped but her valves will help other hearts beat smoothly and through her eyes, two more people can see the world," said Mr Kumar.
Mrs Hymavathi will soon be discharged from hospital and despite her grief, the 27-year-old mother consented to donate the organs of the baby after her husband convinced her. This was her first baby.
"I was motivated by my distant cousin. He told me about the case of a DSP's wife who died in an accident. Her organs were donated. So I thought, 'why not let my daughter also do a noble deed even in death?'" said Mr Kumar, adding that if the occasion again comes in future to donate organs, he and his family would definitely do so.
Mr Kumar's cousin said, "I did my best to convince the family who responded in a positive way, including the baby's grandmother. They were mentally prepared by the doctors about the baby's deteriorating condition when she was put on ventilator. I had also informed Mohan Foundation to help recover the organs on time."
Dr Vivek Babu of Innova Hospital, who had retrieved the heart valves from the infant, said that the 1.6 kg pre-term child was all right for the first three days but developed neonatal infection after that.
"We found that her parents were willing to donate her organs. It's a noble thing that the whole family has come forward to do," said the doctor. The eyes have been retrieved successfully by L.V. Prasad Eye Institute and her valves can be stored for about two months and can be used to treat children who are suffering from birth defects such as absence of or underdeveloped heart valves called Pulmonary Atresia and Truncus Arteriosus.
The valve harvesting will help the smooth flow of blood from heart to the lungs, explained Dr Babu. "With general awareness increasing, this year donations of organs of 16 brain-dead persons have taken place in the city," said Dr Raghuram and pointed out that obtaining small-sized valves from baby donors is difficult and rare.
Commercially available heart valve tubes are usually imported from abroad and are quite expensive. Neonatal donors can give a fresh lease of life to babies with rare heart diseases. "It's actually the intention of the family that matters and I pray to God that Hymavathi again gives birth to a healthy baby," he added.
See, the couples have behaved gently even they were having painful moments! Mrs.Hymavathi, the mother, she had carried her baby - her soul for ten months, with loads of expectation! she had prooved "நிகழ்காலம் விழலுக்கு இறைத்த நீரானாலும், வாழ்க்கை வாழ்வதற்கே!"
A lady with true heart! We have to learn a lot from others!! Here, from this mother! Living doesnt matter; letting others live matters a lot!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Blackle - means of saving Energy!
This is Heap Media's product called 'Blackle', provides a way of saving electric energy.. It means optimal use of electricity.. The search facility of Blackle is provided by Google in terms of custom search.
The concept is "Image displayed is primarily a function of the user's color settings and desktop graphics. A given monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen. Producing light colors needs to combine more colors in various high ratios. But bringing up the dark colors is possible with low level mixing of few colors. The RGB value of white is (255,255,255), whereas the RGB value of black is (0,0,0)."
So.... here the background screen is predominantly black. High possibilities of saving energy by giving less efforts in making colors... And, in the screen itself they have given how much watts of energy is being saved.! Even it is good, it s not so popular.! The web address for India has not been given yet... is the address we can deal with!
Make this as your homepage! Start saving energy!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
My Participation in Singing Competition!
In my school days, i had done very good tat i participated in competitions like speech, essay etc... My voice while singing wouldnt be good, but i did sing.. ya. it was singing competition....:) i didnt worry about the three judges, all participants around 100 heads... i sang.. ya tat time i was a child. so i was nt aware of how people would think of me and all.. "இளங்கன்று பயமறியாது." this went on two times and the third opportunity came. tis time a great comedy cum tragedy happened. because My mom was one of the judges for singing competition. I saw her and shocked. I didnt know tat she would be coming. I felt like "Oh! Do I have to sing in front of her? God, why this happened?" but who can change the fate? It happened.! She saw me in the group but she didnt show anything in her face. I was puzzled of her doing like tis. Because she didnt know about my participation there. I told tat I just about to participate in essay competition only. Really i feared a bit... Unable to read her mind....Ya, usually she has been a woman with more moral courage and sympathy, tat time i didnt know which thing would work out; her strictness or sympathy. I too didnt show anything, usually i wont show my feelings in my face. good or bad, i do remain silent... finally, my turn came.. I too went there and took the mic... Started singing... not really singing but something happened other than talking... ok? the song i was practised was"theeraadha vilayaatu pillai - kannan theeraadha......".... she didnt see my face. but aftr sometime she had a look at me.. tat too for few seconds.. rest of the judges didnt know about the close relationship between me and her... they put mark and while i saw them, they two were discussing about my performance.. and pls notice.. my grtttt mom didnt interrupt them, she was sincerely looking for the next candidate... The two judges told me to wait for the results. they treated me good.. i came and sat with my friend who accompanied me... she pinched me telling, "hey, abi. ur mom has come.".. i said her to be silent and told the fact about her not knowing my participation.. she again screamed retaining her old same pitch, "oh abi, u'll get beatings surely idiot.."... i completely lost my courage because of her talk.... then... the competition was going on.. . we have been served with cool drinks.. the drink given to me was in orange color.. Mirinda... tempted me more... it was veryy cool as ice was ther in it.. what i was advised by doctor was "i should not use any cool items for intake.." doctors told me not to cry even not to feel bad about anything as i had sinus trouble on those days! so whenever i saw these stuffs outside, i wouldnt miss them.. i looked her whether she noticed me.. asusual she didnt... so i drank a glass full of cool drink swiftly.. because i was in a hurry.. i should make the glass empty before she sees me, rite? finally everything went on well... i got prizes in speech competition and essay competition not in singing competition... i knew the result before itself as my mom was in the judge panel in singing competition...:) But the real reason was my voice... I didnt think it as an issue. she called me in the school for taking me to home... she did driving well.. now too i'm fond of seeing her way of driving... looks majestic... i reached home with her... she didnt open her mouth while driving... i thought it didnt matter... Dad was there at home.. Because it s sunday... Such competitions were usually conducted on Sundays at my school as staffs didnt want to bunk classes... She told something to him.. i thought she was telling about the prizes I got in competition.. Dad came with anger and started scolding me.. i didnt know the reason behind his scoldings... really puzzled... in the mid of his scold only i got tat she had seen me swallowing the softdrink!!! But she had behaved like not noticing me... They gave a severe warning tat if i continue having cool drinks and icecream, they would take me to dental clinic for removing the affected teeth.. After a long time scolding from everybody at home, i was consoled by my sister.. She gave me a hug and told "abbi dog! don't cry!"...
After tat, i havent participated in singing competition. It was my last!
Such an interesting experience I had in my life! In tat time, my age was 11. Ya, i was studying 6th standard.!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Speech by Chetan Bhagat at Symbiosis!
There is no point of getting a promotion on the day of your breakup. There is no fun in driving a car if your back hurts. Shopping is not enjoyable if your mind is full of tensions.
"Life is one of those races in nursery school where you have to run with a marble in a spoon kept in your mouth. If the marble falls, there is no point coming first. Same is with life where health and relationships are the marble. Your striving is only worth it if there is harmony in your life. Else, you may achieve the success, but this spark, this feeling of being excited and alive, will start to die.
One thing about nurturing the spark - don't take life seriously. Life is not meant to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity. If we are lucky, we may last another 50 years. And 50 years is just 2,500 weekends. Do we really need to get so worked up?
It's ok, bunk a few classes, scoring low in couple of papers, goof up a few interviews, take leave from work, fall in love, little fights with your spouse. We are people, not programmed devices.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Rupiya - Indian Currency!

Finally, the Rupee has a symbol like other major global currencies!
In a historic event, a five-member jury set up to finalise symbol for the rupee selected the design presented by IIT-ian D Udaya Kumar.
The Union Cabinet approved the symbol on Thursday noon. The Indian rupee is now the fifth currency in the world to have a distinct identity. The rupee will join the elite club of US dollar, British pound-sterling, Euro and Japanese yen to have its own symbol.
Kumar said: "My design is based on the Tricolour, with two lines at the top and white space in between. I wanted the symbol for the Rupee to represent the Indian flag. It is a perfect blend of Indian and Roman letters: a capital 'R', and Devanagari 'ra', which represent rupiya, to appeal to international and Indian audiences."
"I worked on it for few months and made numerous designs. Finally, I shortlisted 8 to 10 designs and then refined them further till I got this one," he said.
"I will be joining the design department at IIT-Guwahati on Friday, and am overwhelmed by the response so far. My phone has not stopped ringing since morning," he added.
Meanwhile, Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni said after the Cabinet meeting in Delhi on Thursday that the symbol will be printed or embossed on currency notes and coins.
Soni said that the government will try that the symbol is adopted within six months in the country and globally within 18 to 24 months.
The symbol will feature on computer key boards and software so that it can be printed and displayed in electronic and print, she said.
Soni said it would also help in distinguishing the Indian currency from rupee or rupiah of countries like Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
Udaya Kumar's design is based on the Tricolour and 'arithmetic equivalence'. The white space between the two horizontal lines gives the impression of the national flag with the Ashok Chakra, the two bold parallel lines stand for 'equals to', representing balance in the economy, both within and with other economies of the world.
"It was a challenge to design the symbol for the rupee. I made sure that it is simple, easy for a common man to understand, write and recollect," Kumar said.
India has started showing its uniqueness and other countries hope this is a sign of emerging as super power.! Let's hope so!!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Students Using Internet!!
We are losing our tradition gradually. Few years later, we cant feel our culture; we can just read in our text books and libraries.. Particularly to teenagers,
"We cant make big bodies to be good. We should be safe in this e-society. We have to move on our own. So Stay apart from bad! Bad attracts more than good, but it wont provide a beautiful life like good does!! More useful things are available in net. More intellectual groups of people are working and sharing worthy news online.! Why can't u be one among them? So be clear at your point "தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர் தர வாரா!".. Move On! Go ahead!! Dont fall behind blind things, a great innovative future is awaiting you.! "
A Guiness Record for the Brilliance of a Child!
This video reminds me the tamil quote....
"எந்த குழந்தையும் நல்ல குழந்தை தான் மண்ணில் பிறக்கையிலே!
அது நல்லவராவதும் தீயவராவதும் அன்னை வளர்ப்பினிலே!!"
Friday, July 16, 2010
A Small Intro abt me!
Ya, That's Abinaya from TamilNad, a girl trying to make herself smart! But nothing will be live, if things are brought with a hard try! It should happen by nature. So the only possibility is making it as a habit. Habit dies hard!! Ya, things seem like being caught...:)
I'm not a different being wit different look, different thoughts.. Everyone is driving on their own way in the life of journey. Likewise, i'm too... Really saying, i've not done anything good not only to others, even to me... More people are doing things in great manner but what i have done? Absolutely nothing...!!! Trying to do... and... People often misconceive others and none could escape from these misconceptions. The only thing we should do is not noticing them. We should be the super power of our life. Of course everyone is a hero in his perspective. In tat kind, I'm also..
I'm the follower of great monk Swami Vivekanandha. According to me, following grt ppl is the only way to make ourselves mannered! First follow, then make others follow!!(the theme of my blog address...:) ) But don't think me too spiritual.. I want to be a well mannered body of society..
Its enough talking about myself, i think! Come and stay in touch wid me for sharing getting my thoughts!!